6 Tips for effective Telephone Scripts
I read an article recently that confirmed my suspicions that most people don’t remember what you present to them in a sales call one week after you
I read an article recently that confirmed my suspicions that most people don’t remember what you present to them in a sales call one week after you
There’s been a lot of literature on re-branding over the years and one thing I learned doing this over the last 14 years is that
MANAGING THE CUSTOMER SERVICE TOUCHPOINT EXPERIENCE One of the most important tests for any brand is how they manage the customer touch point experience. There
Unit 1013, 10th Floor, Block E, Phileo Damansara 1, No. 9, Jalan 16/11 Off Jalan Damansara,
46350 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.